Your Network

As it’s often said, landing a new job is about who you know, so if you connect with key players in your industry, you’re likely to be closer to your ideal role. Networking isn’t a new phenomenon but the ability to connect with people online does make the process easier to manage. Remember that, even if you’re doing your job search with social media, online networking shouldn’t replace traditional face-to-face interactions and keep it professional just as you would in person. Whether it’s online networking or face to face at a network event, it isn’t just about selling yourself; it’s also about building connections, learning, seeing opportunities, mentoring and helping others.

Networking can make people feel nervous or anxious, but it is a skill that can be developed just like any other skill. Here are some tips to help improve your networking skills:

be prepared

When attending networking events take some time to prepare your pitch, practise how you will introduce yourself and engage with your network, take your business cards along and attend with a goal.


Make full use of your time at a network event. Engage in conversation, listen to what people have to say and react and respond in an enthusiastic and positive way. Ask questions and really gain an understanding of the industry and those you are engaging with.


It really helps to research an event; venue, attendees, speakers. This way you will have a better understanding of who will be there and why and how this will be of benefit to you and identify who you wish to introduce yourself to.

Don’t be afraid to go alone and don’t stick to people you know

It can feel daunting attending a network event and we can find that we seek out those we know or if attending with work colleagues will huddle together. But you may be missing out on opportunities to meet others, so try and build up the courage to break away and say hello to others.

connect on social media

Social Media is a great way to connect with people you have met after an event. LinkedIn and Twitter are a great way to send a personal message so people will remember who you are, but also to check in and engage in conversation prior and during an event.

stay in touch

Once you’ve developed your network, be sure to take the time to stay in touch. There are several things you can do to stay engages with your network, share articles or podcasts, make some introductions via LinkedIn or meet for a coffee.

Take a look at Seek’s guide to networking for more tips: