Testimonials can be either included on a resume or added in the recommendation section of your LinkedIn profile. Adding a testimonial or recommendation very quickly provides a credible and real-life source of positive feedback to your personal brand. Additionally, these will also successfully highlight your “soft skills” that do not necessarily come across in a resume or from a linkedIn profile.
“Testimonials and endorsements can help give your resume an edge over other candidates.“
LinkedIn Recommendations
- WHY are they important?
- HOW to ask ?
- WHO should you reach out to?
Recommendations can be provided on your LinkedIn from a previous Manager, Customer or even colleague. It provides you the opportunity to show your successes at a glance when your LinkedIn is being reviewed. These recommendations can add an element of depth to your background that you may not have highlighted previously. For more information on how to request recommendations on your LinkedIn and why they are so important for your personal brand watch the video below.