Target Companies

You can contact employers who you are interested in working for directly. Ask if they have any jobs available – you can do this via phone, email or in person.

It’s a good idea to do some research first so you know about the business and the jobs that may interest you. Prepare your “sales pitch” – what you are going to say about yourself and why you want to work for them.

Make sure you speak with the right person. For larger companies, this will be someone in the Recruitment/Talent Acquisition Department. For smaller businesses, it might be a manager or the owner.  If in doubt, ask to speak to the person who looks after recruitment.

Choose the best time to call or drop into a workplace. If mornings are their busy time, try later in the day. Be prepared if the owner/manager is too busy to talk. Ask when would be a better time to contact them.

Stay positive but be realistic. Not all employers will be interested in what you have to offer. Try not to take rejection personally and take away as much information from the experience as you can. For example, does the employer prefer to use labour hire companies to fill vacancies? If so, find out who they are.

By email

If you decide to contact a business by email, make sure your email address is professional and includes your name. The content of your email needs to be polite and use appropriate titles such as Mr, Mrs or Dr. It should be concise and explain what type of role you are looking for, and why you would be suitable. Attach a clear, short résumé. For more information on résumés.

By phone

It may be useful to write down what you want to say before you ring an employer. Make the call from a quiet place free of distractions and background noise. Take care to be polite with everyone you speak to, talk clearly and with confidence. Remember: contacting employers by phone or in-person could turn into an on-the-spot interview if it turns out they have a vacancy, so be ready to answer interview-style questions confidently.

In person

Dress well – first impressions count. Think carefully about whether a suit or smart casual would be more appropriate.

Take copies of your résumé with you so you can leave a copy with them. Remember: contacting employers by phone or in-person could turn into an on-the-spot interview if it turns out they have a vacancy, so be ready to answer interview-style questions confidently.