Networking Groups


Volunteering gives you a chance to mingle with like-minded people in a feel-good environment. Volunteering is also a great opportunity to develop and demonstrate new skills. Plus, there are so many valuable opportunities to choose from, from one-off events to ongoing activities at local organisations.

Diversity Groups

Groups based on diversity, such as gender, race, culture, for example the Business and Professional Women’s Foundation, understand the importance of networking and frequently include this at their events. Also sharing the same background with the people you speak to makes it easier to find similarities and build trust – this is part of ethos, the ethical appeal, where listeners are more likely to be convinced by someone they can relate to.

Religious Groups

Being part of a religious group means that you share similar beliefs with a large community of people. You can engage in casual networking at any of their events as you’re all more likely to share the same opinions, trust each other and want to help one another.

Local Sports Club/Exercise

Exercise is not only beneficial for forming social connections – it can also help with business connections. It doesn’t matter whether you participate in a team sport or an individual sport, there’s always a chance to strike up a conversation with a fellow athlete. Strong rapports can quickly be built by suffering together and comradeship, such as, going on a parkrun.

Other supports:

Stronger Transitions

If you are located in Adelaide, Mandurah (WA), North Queensland, North/North-West Tasmania, or Melbourne North/West then you may be able to receive extra support through the Stronger Transitions package. The Stronger Transitions package provides intensive assistance to support workers to move into new employment. It includes skills and training support, employment support, better connecting employers with skilled workers, increasing labour mobility and providing access to small business opportunities.

More information on the Stronger Transitions package is available on the website.

Employment Facilitators

Employment Facilitators are an on-the-ground presence that work with retrenched workers and other job seekers in specific regions to connect them with training, job opportunities and to link them with other existing support. Employment Facilitators are engaged to facilitate government initiatives but can also be engaged in exceptional circumstances after careful assessment on a case-by-case basis.

What’s Next?

What’s Next? helps you decide what to do if you have been retrenched or are looking for a new career. There is help for finding a job, getting some training and looking after yourself.