Interview Preparation

Preparing for your interview is a critical step in your job search process. Take a look through our top 9 tips for preparing for your interview.

To attract, grow and keep extraordinary people to drive a high performing culture.

Our top 9 Tips for interview preparation!

  1. Assess strengths & weaknesses
  2. Consider your achievements
Research the company and position
  1. Draw from resources such, Linkedin and Glassdoor
  2. Consider reaching out to your network to obtain further information on the organisation
  3. LinkedIn is a great tool to initially ‘get to know” your Interviewer
Prepare Some “smart” Questions
  1. Compile a list of questions to potentially weave into the conversation
Review your resume
  1. Understand the characteristics of the job you are applying to
  2. This will assist in highlighting your skills and experience
  1. Practice and role playing may feel a bit silly, however this will help you feel less nervous discussion the same topics during your interview
Confirm interview details
  1. Confirm date, time and location
  2. Take in account drive time, traffic and signing in at Reception
  3. Plan to arrive early
Bring a copy of your resume
  1. Even though the interviewer may already have a copy, be prepared
  2. Take along personal Identification (AU drivers’ licence OR Passport)
Dress for your interview
  1. Put thought into what you will wear to your interview
  2. This will place an impression on your future employer
Follow up
  • Within 24 hours of your interview, send an e-mail to the interviewer thanking them for their time
  • You are welcome to restate your interest in the position
  • Check out our tips on how to follow up on your interview

To attract, grow and keep extraordinary people to drive a high performing culture.

Take a look through these additional resources

So you’ve landed yourself a job interview – well done! While you’re one step closer to a chance at a new job, a job interview can also be very nerve-racking. The aim is to come prepared so you’re confident with every question that’s thrown at you.

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LinkedIn’s Interview Preparation feature enables you to be more confident in upcoming interviews:

To attract, grow and keep extraordinary people to drive a high performing culture.