
Rules of “Following up”

As much as it is daunting to go through the whole recruitment process, it should be seen as an exciting opportunity.  Every interview brings new prospect which you can learn from.

Step 1: Prepare a follow up e-mail

Prepare an e-mail following up with your Interviewer or the person who has been liaising with you about your application.

Step 2 : Consider your ‘subject line’

Not entirely sure what your subject line should be? The following blog has a great set to follow up during that process: CLICK HERE.

Step 3: Draft the body of your e-mail

Suggest you keep it simple and straight forward.  Express your interest in the role again (if you have not done that in your ‘Thank you’ e-mail).  Let them know you are excited to hear back and wanted to follow up on whether there’s an update or if a decision has been made yet. 

  1. Start with greeting them by their first name
  2. Do include that you are following up in regard to the position you interviewed for
  3. Be specific about the mentioning job you interviewed for by including the job title and the date you attended your interview.
  4. Reaffirm your interest and that you are eager to hear about next steps
  5. Request any information they can provide would be appreciated and that you are looking forward to hearing from them
  6. Conclude your e-mail by thanking them again and sign off with your first and last name
  7. Run spell-check and ensure you proofread before sending the e-mail

To attract, grow and keep extraordinary people to drive a high performing culture.

Follow up email templates

Follow-Up email after your interview:

Hi <NAME>,

I hope all is well. I’m following up to see if you have any updates regarding the <JOB TITLE> position that I interviewed for on <DATE>. I’m excited to hear about next steps, and the role seemed like a great fit for my career based on what I learned! Any updates you can share would be great.



Second Follow-Up email (if you already sent an email didn’t receive a response):

Hi <NAME>,

Following from my previous follow up e-mail, I wanted to check in as I had not had a response as yet.  How is the interview process is moving on your end?  Are there any updates you can share regarding the <JOB TITLE> position? I’m still very interested in the opportunity.



And should the response not be what you were hoping for and your application has been unsuccessful, don’t give up!  Keep applying and building your network.  See this as a learning and experience you can add to your future applications.

To attract, grow and keep extraordinary people to drive a high performing culture.

Check out these additional resources

Example email templates
  • Follow-Up Email Examples For After the Interview: CLICK HERE
  • A Guide to Effective Post-Interview Outreach: CLICK HERE
How to ask for feedback
  • 4 Non-Annoying Ways to Follow Up After an Interview: CLICK HERE
  • How to ask for feedback after an interview: CLICK HERE