
Some people may have pre-conceived ideas about agencies that are often negative. This may well be based on personal experience but like anything there are good ones and bad ones and you should do your homework on which Agency specialises in the type of roles you are looking for, there are some very good ones out there that really do deliver job seekers good advice and support.

As a candidate, there are some great benefits to working with an Agency for either permanent or temporary employment. Some businesses only deal with agencies, so by registering with them you may have access to jobs that you might not otherwise. 

The time and effort it can take to find a job can be an overwhelming experience and process, especially when you’ve been searching for a few months and haven’t had any breakthroughs. But what if someone else could manage this on your behalf? This is where recruitment agencies play an important role.

There are many reasons why those?searching for jobs?apply through a recruitment agency, but the main reason is because they can tap into the wealth of experience recruitment agencies have from working with companies across different industries and sectors. Lots of job-seekers choose to look for jobs on their own but few know how to tap into the expertise and network of recruitment agencies who are essentially the conduit for bringing together the best employers and brightest candidates.

The role of a recruitment agency revolves around working with employers and job seekers to facilitate a successful job match. In short, recruitment agencies can be your key to unlocking great job opportunities.

Most recruiters are open to connecting via LinkedIn or through word of mouth recommendations. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them as they are constantly seeking out potential candidates. 

To attract, grow and keep extraordinary people to drive a high performing culture.

Check out these additional resources

If you’re on the hunt for work, there’s a good chance you’ve been in contact with a recruiter. Given they are ideally placed to help find you work and improve your job seeking skills, it pays to understand what they do, and how they do it.